Wednesday, February 25, 2009


People are different in many ways. Some are tall, while others are short. People could be extroverts or they could be introverts. You could come across optimistic people or you could come across pessimistic people. But when it comes to a select few, the word strange falls way short of describing their exact nature.

What could seem to be right with them at one point in time, may seem altogether wrong at another. What they might promote today, could be completely different from what they promoted two days ago. They might tell you that something you did was wrong in whichever way you look at it. But if the tide reverses, and they find themselves in a similar position, they will repeat the "so called" mistake that you had done. Just when you want to discard the feeling of anger because you do not want to make an issue out of it, they would come up to you with an explanation that compels you to think that your brain had stopped thinking for some time. They could find fault with someone today, but tomorrow, they could repeat the same mistake and tell you without pausing even for a moment, that what they did was nothing short of perfect!

Strange, chaotic, crazy all of these words fall way short of expressing such people. But if I tell you that they are, not selfish, but self-centered to such an extent that nothing else would matter to them apart from themselves, you can start painting a picture of the people I am describing here. The thing that they desire for themselves might be any of the following... money, ego, power, status or recognition. At the end of the day, however, what matters most to them, is just themselves. Others, well, they could please go to hell.

Welcome to the world of strangers whom you know so well, but can't express in words that could make others understand how strange they are. Welcome to this strange feeling of strangeness. The best way is to explore it around you. Who knows, it could have been an point that you missed comprehending in a person near you.

we are not human beings on a spiritual journey but spiritual beings on a human journey......


Mansi said...


Unknown said...

After reading this post I feel u have had many bad experiences with such ppl...but dont u worry ..U have 2 options love or to hate them...n I must say Loving them can change them completely becos afterall they r humans with emotional quotient

zinal said...

u r kinda right somewhr..some people have 1000's of faces..they fake around..mabbe jus to feel among the crowd.. but u also find people who are true..they don fake around.. they actually hold on to their words..don worry girliee..m also in search of gd post ..i liked it...